2018, Amila Ramovic, Musik Konzepte
Article (de)

Die Po/ethik von Heiner Goebbels' Dinge

(Notizen über die Rolle von Kunst und Politik heute)

The Po/ethics of Heiner Goebbels' Things
(Notes on the Role of Arts and Politics Today)
The paper discusses the work of Heiner Goebbels from a point of view of art as an ethical and political practice. It examines the political background of his artistic vision, how those views affect the ways how content, form and time are treated in his works, but also what are the goals and what are the means by which such a vision becomes an experience for the audience.

in: Ulrich Tadday (Hrsg.) Heiner Goebbels, Musik Konzepte Neue Folge 179, p. 81-101