Published: 1 March 2001


In March 20 performances en suite of the new musictheatre piece Hashirigaki in Paris (Theatre des Amandiers, Nanterre) with an extremely positiv echo of the audience and the reviewers. Hashirigaki premiered last year in Lausanne and was shown in Berlin, Hamburg, Rome. Performers are Carlotta Engelkes, Marie Goyette and Yumiko Tanaka. It is based on texts by Getrude Stein and features Japanese music as well as music from the famous Beach Boys album "Pet Sounds". Hashirigaki has been well recieved and has been considered - by several papers and a huge public response - as one of the highlights at the Third Theatre Olympics / the Tschechow-Festival in Moskau this May and at this year's Singapore Arts Festival in June. ("Hashirigaki performed a miracle in our hearts... It was a language of wonder, of joy and of power of Imagination... The happy marriage of music and theatre in Hashirigaki was thrilling" (The Straits Times) "One of the most intriguing and innovative offerings at this year's Arts Festival." (Business Times). "The best thing one has seen at the fest." (Singapore Press: The Arts).