Published: 24 September 2011

45th BITEF Festival 2011: Special Award for I went to the House but did not enter

"The Special Award for outstanding contribution to theatre arts goes to: I Went to the House But Did Not Enter, concept, music and directing Heiner Goebbels, a production of the Theatre Vidy Lausanne: The work of Heiner Goebbels is always surprising, always searching for new ways and experimenting with the possibilities of theatre. It’s not a specific political meaning he is looking for, but the alchemy of theatre and imagination, which form the very pillars of society. In order to truly appreciate Goebbels’ Gesamtkunstwerk as a spectator one has to indulge in his rich world of music and scenographic ideas, otherwise nothing will happen. A consistent absurdity offers a true and deep vision of life for everyone. Arthur Sonnen, president, Anna Lengyel, Alja Predan, Vladica Milosavljević, Nikola Zavišić." After receiving twice the "Grand Prix Mira Trailovic" 2005 and 2009 for Eraritjaritjaka and Stifters Dinge this is already the third time, that Heiner Goebbels' work is enthusiastically recieved by the audience in Belgrade and awarded by the international jury of the BITEF Festival.