Published: 1 January 2012

festivals, concerts, projects in 2012

Various festivals, concerthalls and theatres will present the work of Heiner Goebbels in 2012: in the UK the Southbank Center in London will present the british premiere of "Surrogate Cities" in the Royal Festival Hall and also in various spaces of the building - as a collaborative project together with the Laban Center (Trinity School). Also Birmingham will focus on his compositions (in march and june) in the context of the Frontiers Festival; and Heiner Goebbels will be awarded with a honarary doctorate by the Birmingham City University. In Munich the Münchner Kammerorchester conducted by Alexander Liebreich prepares the German Premiere of "Songs of Wars I have seen" in a special program called "carte blanche" and in collaboration with the Münchner Kammerspiele. Theatre Bouffes du Nord in Paris has scheduled a series with six performances of "Max Black" - the famous brain solo for André Wilms with its explosive chain reaction of fire, sounds, experiments and thoughts by Paul Valery, Lichtenberg and Wittgenstein. And "I went to the house but did not enter" is heading for it's Skandinavian Premiere during the Bergman Festival in Stockholm. In the Context of John Cage's 100th Birthday Heiner Goebbels is invited to a sound- and video-installation for Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt, where he will realize in the historical Water-Reservoir underneath the Museum a work called "Genko-An 64287“, inspired by the japanese temple Genko-An in Kyoto, which he visited twenty years ago, back in 1992. In August the first edition of the International Arts Festival "Ruhrtriennale" (August 17th until Septembre 30th) opens under the artistic directon of Heiner Goebbels - the program will be published in April. This festival will open with a new production of "John Cage: Europeras 1&2" - staged by Heiner Goebbels and his team (Klaus Grüneberg - stage and light, Florence von Gerkan - costumes, Willi Bopp - sounddesign, Hubert Machnik - programming) and ten wonderful opera-singers from all over Europe. Also Festival La Batie in Geneva will present works of Heiner Goebbels at the end of August. So there are a lot of opportunities (but not much time for himself) to celebrate his 60th birthday...