Published: 30 March 2014

Final night of Biennale Musiques en Scène in Lyon and Archipel Festival in Geneva

After numerous performances, concerts, lectures, screening by Heiner Goebbels the Biennale Musiques en Scène ended successfully in Lyon with a concert featuring Surrogate from Surrogate Cities performed by Catherine Jeauniaux (vocal) and Laura Mikkoli (piano) together with Orchestre Symphonique du CNSM conducted by Pascal Rophé, while the Festival Archipel in Geneva presented at the same night Chants des Guerres que j'ai vues - Songs of Wars I have seen and Harry Partch: Delusion of the Fury. The sound and video installation Genko-An 69006 was awarded with the Prix des Enfants de la Biennale Musiques en Scène, Lyon 2014, and is still to be seen and heard until April 20th in Musée d'Art Contemporain Lyon