Published: 7 September 2023
No 862 © HG
No 862 © HG

862 - premiere of an oracle machine

On the weekend September 1st - 3rd, a new performative installation has been successfully premiered in the ironworks at the border between France and south-west Germany - accompanied with TV reports on the news (ARD tagesschau) and followed by many reviews in daily newspapers.

Together with René Liebert (video), Marc Thein (light), Willi Bopp (sound) and Matthias Mohr (dramaturgy), Heiner Goebbels has conceived an intense and unique encounter with a former coal stamping machine - which speaks to us in a delicate balance of words, sounds and images.

Only six more performances of this site specific work can be attended until September 17th.

TV report by Uwe Loebens for SR