Published: 28 September 2005

Heiner Goebbels in Italy

The Venice Biennale of Music has been opened this year on September 28th with a complete new staging of Surrogate Cities, directed by Heiner Goebbels, stage and light design: Klaus Gruenberg. The sounddesign and videoworks are created in collaboration with the media-laboratory Fabrica, Treviso. From september to decembre 2005 there is an emphasis on the work of Heiner Goebbels in Italy - starting with performances of Eraritjaritjaka in Rome and the creation of Surrogate Cities in Venice, followed by several orchestra concerts of the Bologna Opera in Bologna and in the Opera of Modena in Octobre, a concert by the north italian Icarus-ensemble in Reggio Emilia and finished by music theatre performances of Max Black in Parma in Decembre.