Published: 1 January 2018

More Performances & New Works by Heiner Goebbels in 2018

As you might have followed on his travelblog his various performances, installations, lectures (and preparations for what comes next...) have brought Heiner Goebbels last year to more than twenty countries in Europe, Southamerica and Asia.

2018 is a year full of changes: After nearly 20 years Heiner Goebbels ends his teaching activities as professor at the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies of Justus Liebig University Gießen. He also passes his role as president of the Hessian Theater Academy (since 2006) and as a board-member of Frankfurt LAB to the next generation and mainly focus on his artistic work.

After The human Province / Die Provinz des Menschen (54/27) 2016 in Dresden and Genko-An 107031 (Moscow, 2017) he will present a new solo-exhibition called Landschaftsstücke/Landscape Plays in Kunsthalle Giessen in June and stage a large scale performance called Everything that happened and would happen in October. In May he directs a staged concert called mit einem Namen aus einem alten Buch with earlier compositions for ensemble. He shows Stifters Dinge in Denmark and Eislermaterial in Germany. And of course you can find all works, venues & dates during the next months in the calender - also more performances of Stifters Dinge & Songs of Wars I have seen in Philadelphia and Surrogate Cities in Asia.
Heiner Goebbels will continue to give lectures, workshops & masterclasses. Please check it here.