Published: 1 January 2021
Liberté d'action © Helge Krückeberg
Liberté d'action © Helge Krückeberg

News & New works

"Gegenwärtig lebe ich allein" - new 'Hörstück' / radiopiece by Heiner Goebbels with texts by Henri MIchaux, coproduced by SWR and DLF, will be broadcasted in January 2021. Worldpremiere SWR2 January 7th, DLF January 13th.

Liberté d'action - new theatre production / staged concert by Heiner Goebbels - will be premiered in May 2021.

A House of Call - new cycle for large orchestra by Heiner Goebbels, composed for Ensemble Modern Orchestra and conductor Vimbayi Kaziboni, was orginally ready to be premiered in fall 2020 at Berlin Philharmony, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Philharmony Cologne, Festival Wien Modern, Tonhalle Düsseldorf and musica viva Munich. All this had to be moved to the autumn 2021.

New edition of the Anthology Ästhetik der Abwesenheit by Heiner Goebbels, including several new texts, lectures and interviews is out now!
Verlag Theater der Zeit, December 2020