Published: 2 December 2017

Children Choice Awards in Kyoto

With a kind post of Mammalian Diving Reflex: The winner of the “Best of the Best” at the 2017 Children’s Choice Awards in the Kyoto Experiment was Heiner Goebbels and Ensemble Modern with their show Schwarz auf Weiss / Black on White, which also won the “I Was So Surprised I Almost Dislocated My Jaw Award.” Black on White featured flying tea bags, 50 instruments, tennis balls being thrown on a big acoustic metal plate and big parts of the set collapsing, giving those of us sitting in the front row a small heart attack.

Heiner has long been associated with the Children’s Choice Awards, having programmed the project for the three years of his artistic directorship at the Ruhrtriennale (2012-2014) where he won the “Show Where I Thought WTF Award” and “I Want That Thing! Award” for his moving and self playing piano installation Stifters Dinge; “Best Drama Show” for his post-dramatic show John Cage: Europeras 1&2; “Worst Costumes” for Harry Partch: Delusion of the Fury and the “Girliest Show” for When the Mountain changed its clothing, a performance featuring only girls. A complete list of his awards and honors can be found on his website, where he proudly and courageoulsy embraces winning Worst Costumes.