Published: 29 July 2012

Oper Frankfurt: Landschaft mit entfernten Verwandten - and more shows to come

In the meantime more performances by Heiner Goebbels have been announced for the season 2012/2013. Eislermaterial can be seen in the Philharmony of Cologne in October, I went to the house but did not enter is invited to perform at the White Light Festival in New York (November), his brandnew production When the Mountain changed its clothing will travel to Graz, Maribor and Paris this fall and to Luxembourg next may. Last not least the OPER FRANKFURT has just announced a longer run of the opera Landschaft mit entfernten Verwandten in May 2013 with the Ensemble Modern. More news regarding performances of Stifters Dinge, Eraritjaritjaka, Max Black and Surrogate Cities are to be published within the next few weeks.