Published: 2 January 2013


The New Year starts with performances of Eraritjaritjaka at the Sydney Festival in the beginning of january, with the norwegian premiere of Surrogate Cities in february, followed by many performances of different compositions and music theatre works during march in cities starting with an M: Moscow Stifters Dinge, Madrid Max Black & Manchester.
At the end of april / beginning of may Heiner Goebbels' opera Landschaft mit entfernten Verwandten will be restaged with the Ensemble Modern at the Frankfurt opera, and his latest piece When the Mountain changed its clothing goes on tour again to Brussels, Luxembourg, Amsterdam and Hannover. Songs of Wars I have seen will be performed in Rotterdam and Ghent, Stifters Dinge will see its Japan Premiere in July and Heiner Goebbels prepares to stage the masterpiece of Harry Partch: Delusion of the Fury for the Ruhrtriennale - International Festival of the Arts, opening on August 23rd in Bochum.
More detailed news soon in the calender.